
Mole Poison

Mole poisons come in several forms.  The most common are underground poison pellets and fumigants.

Poison Pellets
Poison pellets can be laid in mole tunnels in hopes that they will find it and eat it.  Only pellets that are specially formulated for moles should be used.  The wrong kind of poison may not have the intended effects, and can cause unintended harm or cause the moles to suffer unnecessarily.  It should be noted that poison pellets are not the most successful method of mole control.  One explanation for this is that moles are carnivores.  Being meat-eaters, they are not particularly drawn to nibble on poison pellets, but sometimes it does work.

Fumigants are more successful in getting rid of moles than pellets. One common fumigant is Fumitoxin.  This is a toxin that is activated when it comes into contact with air.  The Fumitoxin must be placed underground and then made to contact air.  Administering fumitoxin is not a simple procedure, and the use of this product is carefully regulated.  A license is required to purchase or to use it, and some states do not allow its use for certain animals.  However, if it is legal in your area, it may be an option to consider because it does sometimes yield good results.

Poisons versus Traps
As professional ground mole removers, we have experienced only fair to good results with mole poisons and fumigants.  The truth is that trapping is a more effective method of mole control.  A trap with an attractive bait tends to be more successful than poisons for this particular animal.