

Contact us for professional Pigeon removal, control, and clean-up services. We also offer coaching services and products for a fee. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, check out the suggested techniques below.

    How to Trap and Remove Pigeons Stop Poop -Video

    How to Get Birds out of Attics -Video


  1. Why do we want to keep Pigeons Around?

    Pigeons are beneficial to the ecosystem in that they are very opportunistic birds that take advantage of their surroundings. They eat garbage, seeds, and all other foods that they can find. Pigeons work almost as an eco-vacuum and clean up things that are left by both animals and humans. These birds are beautiful in many ways and are helpful to the environment; however, when in flocks pigeons can pose as a health hazard.

  2. Why do we get rid of Pigeons?
    Something that isn't really considered when people come in contact with pigeons, is the potential danger that they carry. Pigeons don't just leave behind the debris of feathers, poop, and twigs, but they can also cause issues like sickness or in extreme cases, blindness and death. There have been many cases over the years of people growing extremely ill from one of the many diseases found in pigeon poop like histoplasmosis, Cryptococcal Meningitis, and E-coli; occasionally, people do lose their lives. It is important to remember that once you have a pigeon problem, you are liable to the people who visit your home/business/building and risk being sued if anyone is infected or grows ill because of the pigeons.

  3. Dead Pigeons

    As with every living (or dying) thing, once they open death's door, they find that maggots and flies are close behind it. These insects are attracted to the decaying animal and while they are natures clean up system, they aren't attractive. Dead pigeons not only attract these bugs, but they also can attract other predatory animals that will come to eat the dead bird. Dead pigeons (more so than live ones) are also an eye sore and can make a poor impression on those visiting your home/office/building. Dead pigeons need to be removed and disposed of properly at a burn plant to prevent the spread of any diseases. Dead pigeons ARE better than live pigeons in that they can't multiply and are easily removed.
  4. Dead Pigeon Removal on City, County, or State Property

  5. If there is a pigeon problem at your home, office, or other structure that is being caused by an infestation from city, county, or state property, you may be able to refer us to the city, county, or state so that they can hire us to remove the problem. We do not remove dead pigeons off of city, county, or state properties unless contacted by the respective authorities to do so.

    1. Pigeons carry diseases that can cause sickness, blindness, and even death if not taken care of properly
    2. Pigeons will usually return to an area no matter where you release them, they're like homing pigeons that way.
    3. People cause pigeon problems by feeding them
    Many cultures eat pigeons, we however, don't recommend this. Instead we suggest that you shoot, euthanize, and burn pigeons. If pigeons are trapped, kept alive, and released they will return to the area where they were roosting before, because they received food, water, shelter, and a place to socialize here. If it is illegal to kill pigeons in your area, take proper precautions by blocking their entrance and setting up spikes, nets, mesh, etc. Remember that people cause pigeon problems. If you don't feed them, there is the possibility that they will go away. The balance here is that if you don't want to kill pigeons, you should stop feeding them and set up proper protection for your home/office/business. Pigeons belong in the wild and should feed on natural products. Precautionary measures include taking away their roost and removing their food source.

    Steps to getting rid of Pigeons:

    1. Why We Want to Keep Pigeons Out
    2. Of course you should want to keep pigeons out because of the danger they can present. Contaminants in the fecal matter can cause sickness, blindness, and death. You especially don't want them inside of roofs, attics, and mechanical units (heating and AC) because of the easy access to your home and the open possibilities to spread illness. Not to mention that pigeons never go alone, where there is one there are four and where there are four, there are plenty more.

    3. When to Get Rid of Pigeons
    4. As soon as pigeons appear on a structure. There is never just one or two, pigeons attract other pigeons and they also breed new pigeons as well. The situation will get out of hand before you realize it.

    5. Places to Check for Pigeons Entrances
    6. Rain gutter and roof lines, mechanical units for heating and AC, old openings in roofs, any duct work left open, or anywhere else that a pigeon can find that's up high on/in a roof, in the sunlight, or in the shade is where they are likely to roost to protect themselves from predatory birds (owls, hawks, etc.)

    7. How to Identify Pigeons Droppings
    8. Look up in the air. If you see a pigeon and watch it poop, after it hits you or your car, you will know exactly what it came from. There is no specific way to tell if poop came from a pigeon unless you see the bird itself or can recognize the area where the pigeons are roosting.

    9. Information about Pigeon Droppings
    10. You might be sick of hearing this, but pigeon droppings can contain harmful diseases that can cause illness, blindness, and even death. It is not something you, or your company, wants to take lightly.

    11. Cleaning up Pigeon Feces
    12. PIGEON DROPPINGS AND DEBRIS ARE CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS WASTE Many people get sick during the year from pigeon feces. During clean-up, use a heavy mixture of bleach and water, gloves, a respirator, eye protection, and a body suit. Remember, removing poop will do no good unless the pigeons are gone as well. The most important part of removing pigeon feces, is exterminating the pigeons.

    13. Getting Rid of Pigeons
    14. If it's legal to do in your area, you may be able to shoot them with pellet guns, though in most situations it may be difficult and illegal. If euthanasia or killing pigeons is not an option, try spikes, netting, ultrasonic sound systems, and harassment methods. While most people do not know how to do this, we do, call us.

    15. Block Pigeons Entrances
    16. Blocking a pigeon's entrance is simple since pigeons don't dig or tear for an entry way, but instead use an area that is already accessible and open for use. Try using a durable screen or metal mesh, 2x4s, soffit, or anything else you have available to you that will benefit the structure and be pleasing to the eye. Pigeons are merely looking for a place where they can find food, shelter, and place to raise their young safe from the birds of prey that will attack pigeons and their chicks.

    How to get rid of pigeons on roof. - video

    How to Get Rid of Pigeons During the Winter -Video

    HOW TO

    1. How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Attic

      Pigeons enjoy attics because they are high up and provide shelter for them and their young. To get rid of pigeons in the attic, use traps or a one way door. These look similar to a funnel and allow the pigeons to leave the structure, but not to get back in. This is the best way if it is possible.

    2. How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Chimney

      Use chimney caps to begin with, pigeons don't often go into chimneys, but usually roost on top of the chimney itself. If there is a pigeon inside of your chimney it is likely that they have fallen down and weren't able to get back out. To remove them you may have to use special cameras and other equipment to locate and to help remove the bird. If your chimney is in a place that is inaccessible, it may be necessary to cut into the brick of the chimney in a safe manner. This should be done by a professional. If the bird dies, the rot will cause smell and a buildup of maggots and flies; and again, it can cause a sudden spread of illness in a home.

    3. How to Get Rid of Pigeons Droppings

      Once again, pigeon poop is considered hazardous waste. Removal should be done with protective gear such as gloves, a respirator, full body suits, and goggles. For removal use a heavy mixture of bleach and water and use scrapers to remove. Waste should be incinerated at a burn plant along with any dead pigeons. We highly recommend that you don't do this yourself but hire a professional cleaning service to help.

    4. How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the House

      If there is a pigeon inside of your home, it is likely that it fell down the chimney or came through an open window. Use rubber or leather gloves to grab the pigeon and release it outside. You can also euthanize/kill them if you are capable of doing so. If the bird is killed, take it to a burn plant to be incinerated.

    5. How to Get Rid of Pigeons in Walls

      Pigeons will get into walls through small cavities and holes and take advantage of the space by roosting there. The problem with this is that sometimes, once they or their young get inside, they can fall down low and can't get back out. Pigeons can't get out of chimneys or walls unless they can climb up a simple stepping system.

    6. How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Vents of the House

      If a pigeon is able to get inside of a venting system, it can be very dangerous to anyone inside of the building. The air flow can carry the contaminants to any inside and infect them with numerous diseases. They can also cause allergic reactions to any inside of a building that are allergic to birds or feathers. Remember that you are liable to those inside of the building and can be sued if anyone is to be infected while at your home/office. Wait for the birds to leave the vent and once they do, install a new vent, mesh, or a screen and get them out as soon as possible.

    7. How to Get Rid of Pigeons on the Roof

      Pigeons enjoy roosting on roofs because it gives them a good spot in the sun and an excellent vantage point to check for predators and food nearby. Set up bait and special traps that will attract the pigeons into the cage and then not let them get back out. After this it is best to remove the birds and euthanize them if it is legal. We do this because once a pigeon has decided on its roost, it will come back no matter where you release it. You may also be able to use a pellet gun or other methods legal in your area to kill the animals. If you are not comfortable killing the animal, alternative options are available for prevention such as spikes, netting, etc.

    8. How to Get Rid of Pigeons on your Porch

      Preventative measures may help if pigeons are roosting on your porch. Traps and euthanasia are also better options here to keep pigeons away from your home. Block out small nooks and crannies where they can build nests.

    9. How to Get Rid of Pigeons in the Barnyard/property

      This is the million dollar question. If pigeons are a problem on your property and not roosting on your house, it is very probable that they have a food source (possibly from ranch animal feed) nearby. It is important that you remove the food source; pigeons enjoy areas like this because they can find a high place to roost and look out for predators and find accessible food sources. The problem is that once one pigeon has realized the benefit of your property, others will follow quickly behind and the issue will rapidly get out of hand. Not to mention the offspring will grow in numbers swiftly.

    10. How to Get Rid of Pigeons in crawl spaces

      Pigeons in a crawlspace is very improbable. If you are hearing noises and sounds from the crawlspace it is more likely to be a raccoon, skunk, or feral cat. If there is a pigeon in the crawlspace, however, they've probably fallen through a chimney or an open pipe. They should be trapped and euthanized, or at least removed. Remember, dead pigeons should be incinerated at a burn plant.


    If you are having problems, or don't want to deal with the pigeons yourself after reading this article, please give us a call at 1-888-488-7720, you can also contact us through email. You can also call one of the technicians from your area and they can help you figure out a solution. REMEMBER: Pigeons can be dangerous and working with them can be very complicated; it's best to hire a professional. Check out our YouTube channel and our website,, or use other Google resources to help you solve your problem. We do offer coaching solutions. Please send digital photos of your problem and we can coach you over the phone and ship you products for a fee.