Allstate Animal Control Spring Alerts
Raccoon Activity SPRING ALERT:
It is spring and raccoons are moving into chimneys and attics all over.
Females have searched out safe denning sites to protect their young from dominant boar raccoons who will kill them if possible.
If your home has been chosen, you will soon hear small sounds like birds chirping in your walls, attic or chimney.
If you suspect raccoon activity on your property, call us today before they have their babies for complete
raccoon trapping and removal.
Bat Activity SPRING ALERT:
It is spring and bats are returning to the highlands as part of their annual migration.
Each colony is seeking a place to nest and raise their young.
If you see bats in the evening around your property, they may be roosting in your buildings.
If you suspect a bat colony in your attic,
call us quickly before they have their young. We can get rid of the bats without harming them and before they harm you.
Pigeon Activity SPRING ALERT:
It is spring and while pigeons are year-round residents, spring is the time when they get serious about nesting.
If old sites are undesirable, they will seek out new ones.
If old sites are still in favor, you can expect to have more birds this year.
If you have unwanted pigeons on your property, call us today, before new nests are established and the population explodes for complete
pigeon trapping and removal.
Skunk Activity SPRING ALERT: It is spring and skunks are becoming active and moving into crawl spaces and under porches. The skunks are having their babies in groups of 3-6. You will catch whiffs of strong odor as they occasionally spray just a little if they are startled. You may see a skunk amble across your property heading out for a night of foraging. Skunks are digging out dens. Look down for skunks, not up. If a skunk has decided to make your home her home, give us a call and we will get her out right away--before your skunk problem really stinks!
Swallow Activity SPRING ALERT: It is spring and the swallows don’t just return to Capistrano. They return to all of their summer range. As the insects move north and into higher elevations, so do the swallows. Don’t harm these insect eating machines, but don’t tolerate their mess and damage to your building. Because of federal and state law, it is important to get rid of swallows before they build nests and lay eggs. Call right away for complete swallow repellent services.
Woodpecker Activity SPRING ALERT: It is spring and woodpeckers are becoming active, establishing territory and looking for mates. You will hear a drumming sound that can start as early as 5 a.m. and go on most of the day. You may catch glimpses of distinctive black and white and red or orange birds. You may notice holes appearing in stucco, siding or in the trees on your property. Woodpeckers sometimes attach themselves to walls to sleep at night, looking like large right-side-up bats. As they sleep they defecate and leave large stain streaks on the walls of your home. If you suspect a woodpecker on your property, call us today for complete woodpecker control. Every day that you delay the damage will become worse.
The following is a seasonal Vole ALERT: It is spring and vole damage is becoming obvious as the snow melts. Particularly if you live on the benches or in high valleys, you may notice trails in the grass or small tunnels on the surface of the turf. These are sure signs of a vole infestation. The damage will get worse. Get your yard in shape now for the summer. Call us if you suspect voles on your property; we provide relief from vole damage.
Rats are a year round pest. But in the spring they tend to mass-reproduce due to increased availability of food. Get rid of rats now before it gets worse and all those new babies start to have babies themselves. We provide complete rat extermination services.
The following is a seasonal Gopher ALERT: It is spring and Gophers are becoming active. You may notice mounds of dirt in your yard and that some parts of your landscaping are suffering beyond what can be explained by winter. The mounds appear overnight and there may be many of them each day. Don’t wait until your yard is destroyed. If you suspect gophers on your property, call us today for complete gopher trapping and removal.
The following is a seasonal Squirrel ALERT: It is spring and squirrels are moving into walls and attics and chimneys. They will also occupy crawl spaces. The mothers are having their babies and you will hear quick scurrying noises or chewing and gnawing noises in your attic or walls. You may see chewed holes in your siding or soffit as the animals make themselves a convenient access point. Don't let them get in and start to damage the interior of your home, too. If you suspect squirrels on your property, call us today to get rid of problem squirrels.
The following is a seasonal Mole ALERT: It is spring and Moles are having their babies. You may see increased signs of mole activity with more mole hills in your lawn and uprooted plants in your landscaping. If you suspect mole damage on your lawn, call us today for complete mole trapping and extermination.
The following is a seasonal Beaver ALERT: It is spring and beavers are flooding property as they build dams and lodges. Kits (baby beavers) are being born and young beaver are moving out on their own to find mates and create new beaver dams. You may see increased signs of beaver actvity, such as gnawed trees and cut bushes. If you suspect a beaver dam on your property, call us today for complete beaver trapping.
The following is a seasonal Chipmunk ALERT: It is spring and chipmunks are moving into porches and crawl spaces. The mothers are having their babies and you may hear small scratching sounds in your walls. These sounds and the associated damage will only get worse as the season progresses. If you suspect a chipmunk problem on your property, call us today for complete chipmunk removal.
Mice are a year-round problem. During the spring they often move out of homes, but not always. If you have mice in your home and want to be free from mess and disease, call us for complete mouse removal.
The following is a seasonal Snake ALERT: It is spring and snakes are moving out of winter denning sites in crawl spaces and under patios. You may see very large numbers of snakes this time of the year. The snakes will disperse into the surrounding areas and seek out new dens for the season. If you find an unwanted snake on your property, call us today for complete snake removal.
Feral Cats are year-round trespassers. Spring is a time of increased activity when many litters of kitten are born, increasing the mess and damage. If you have feral cats on your property and want to be free of mess and disease, call us for complete live-trapping and removal of cats to a shelter.
The following is a seasonal Porcupine ALERT: It is spring and porcupines are on the move. The mothers are having their babies and require large amounts of food. You may discover one has chosen to live on your property, or uses your property and your landscaping, as a food source. If you have a porcupine problems, call us for complete porcupine removal.

Rabbits are a year-round problem. Rabbits dig holes, damage yards and eat vegetation. In the spring, they reproduce faster than ever and every rabbit is hungry. If you have rabbits on your property and want to protect your landscaping, call us for complete rabbit removal.
The following is a seasonal Bee ALERT: It is spring and as the season progresses bees are dispersing. A new queen will develop for the hive and the old queen kicked out. The deposed queen takes young workers bees with her to seek out a new hive location. Walls are a great place for a beehive. This is also prime swarm season and you may see very large numbers of bees gathered into a group. So called "killer bees" have arrived in the United States and are far more dangerously aggressive than honeybees. If you see a swarm on your property, or suspect a hive in your walls, call us today for complete bee removal. |