

Contact us for professional Swallow removal, control, and clean-up services. We also offer coaching services and products for a fee. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, check out the suggested techniques below.


We recommend that you contact the proper Federal Agencies that can clearly define laws regarding swallow control before taking any preventative measures.


  1. Why do we want to keep Swallows Around?

    Swallows are federally protected, the reason being that they eat insects. That might sound strange, but when you consider the fact that the common house fly can carry typhoid, cholera, dysentery, salmonella, anthrax, and even tuberculosis it starts to make more sense. Swallows don't just eat flies, either; they also consume mosquitoes, dragonflies, bees, ants, wasps, moths, spiders, roundworms, and many more.

  2. Why do we want to Prevent Swallow Infestations?
    There are a few reasons why swallow prevention should be on almost everyone's minds. First, swallow droppings and nests can be home to several diseases such as Salmonella, Encephalitis, Histoplasmosis, Toxoplasmosis, and even Meningitis. These diseases, while they can be mild, can also cause problems as serious as seizures and even death. These illnesses are most harmful to infants and young children. Swallows also carry Conenose bugs; also knows as Kissing bugs, these insects are like a combination of ticks and bed bugs. They only come out at night and feed on the blood of vertebrates. Kissing bugs can be hosts to Trypanosoma cruzi, or more commonly known as Chagas disease. This disease can cause mild symptoms such as swelling and a fever, but if left untreated can lead to congestive heart failure. Another reason to prevent swallows is their love for home. I don’t mean that they'll get homesick when they migrate, but that they AND their offspring (and even their offspring's offspring) will come back to the same place year after year unless discouraged from doing so. A swallow population can double and even triple every season!

  3. Swallow removal on City, County, or State Property

    If there is a swallow problem at your home, office, or other structure that is being caused by an infestation from city, county, or state properties such as bridges, buildings, or structures, you may be able to refer us to the city, county, or state so that they can hire us to remove the problem. We do not remove swallows off of city, county, or state property without being contacted by proper authorities to do so.

    1. Swallows and their active nests are federally protected
    2. Swallow nests cannot be removed if they are inhabited by a swallow or any of its young
    3. Swallows will return to the same nesting site year after year unless discouraged
    4. Swallow nests can contain Conenose bugs that can be spread throughout your home and property
    Swallows are Federally Protected, this means that unless you have obtained a special permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife services, and these are only given in EXTREME cases, lethal actions can NOT be taken against swallows. Active swallow nests can't be removed or destroyed unless clearly unoccupied – this means that no chicks OR eggs are inhabiting the nest.

    Steps to preventing Swallow Infestations:

    1. Why We Want to Keep Swallows Out
    2. Swallows multiply very quickly and inhabit the same location for generations and years to come unless encouraged to move somewhere else. This ever growing population of swallows can cause contamination to a property through their feces and their nests.

    3. When to Get Rid of Swallows
    4. As soon as you notice a swallow on your property or a mud nest being built, you need to remove the mud nest. Before doing this, however, you will need to check and BE SURE that neither a swallow's eggs or chicks are occupying the nest. If they are, it and its hosts are federally protected meaning no removing it until it is clearly vacant.

    5. Preventing and Discouraging Swallows
    6. A swallow infestation (along with any other animal infestation) can reduce the value of a home, building, or property by 5-10%; this makes swallow prevention very important. There are certain visual deterrents that can help prevent swallows from inhabiting an area. These include plastic owls, bright lights, and shiny tape. Swallows can be discouraged from returning to an area by knocking down nests either before they're occupied or after the swallow has migrated. Continually losing your home would be enough to keep most animals away from an area. You can also purchase one of the products we sell called 'Swallow Guard' that is extremely effective in swallow prevention.

    7. Places to Check for Swallows Entrances
    8. Swallow entrances are usually very easy to spot, you should be able to recognize their mud, cup-shaped nests almost instantly. Many times, swallow nests can be found in or on light fixtures, on wood siding and stucco, tucked into the corner of porches, underneath eaves, and various other high spots. Wherever they can successfully attach their nests without disturbance, they will.

    9. Cleaning up Swallow Nests
    10. Swallows, be it barn or cliff swallows, build nests from mud pellets and line the inside with grasses and feathers. These nests can be removed before swallows have laid eggs or after the chicks have hatched, are flying, and have left the nest and are living on their own. You MUST wait for one of these instances before removing the nest since they are federally protected unless vacant. Gloves and respirators should be worn during removal to prevent contact and inhalation of any contaminants in the nest. You may also consider wearing a full body suit to protect yourself from Conenose bugs. If one was to attach itself to your regular clothing, you could spread it to your home, vehicle, workspace, or any other frequented area.

    11. Information about Swallow Droppings
    12. At first, swallows eat their hatchlings droppings. After a few days they will carry the poop away from the nest and a few weeks after that the young birds will be expected to defecate over the edge and outside of the nest. These droppings can contain diseases like Toxoplasmosis, Salmonella, Encephalitis, Histoplasmosis, and Meningitis. While not commonly fatal, they can cause serious illness and seizures, especially in young children.

    13. Cleaning up Swallow Feces
    14. Swallow feces should be cleaned using a mix of bleach and water and applied with gloves and a respirator. Any feces that are collected should be placed in a plastic bag and taken to a burn plant to be incinerated to prevent the spread of any diseases.

    How to Remove Birds and Nesting from Vents -Video

    How to Get Rid of Swallows and Mud Nests -Video

    HOW TO

    1. How to Remove Swallows from Underneath Overhangs

      If swallows appear and start to build nests, the nesting needs to be cleaned off immediately to discourage the swallows from finishing their nest and building in that area in the future. It only takes about 24 hours for a swallow nest to be completely built meaning you'll have to act fast; but not before you check to see if the nest contains eggs or hatchlings. Swallows and their nests (when inhabited) are federally protected. We also sell a product called 'Swallow Guard Membrane', this is a special sheet that prevents swallows from successfully nesting on structures

    2. How to Get Rid of Swallows on your Porch

      'Swallow Guard Spray' is a product that we sell that helps stop swallows from nesting on an area. It helps prevent new nests and will discourage swallows from returning to an area. It is a natural deterrent that assists in preventing swallows from "getting comfortable". If you ever see a mud nest on your property, check it for any signs of an occupant (hatchling or eggs) and knock it down if possible. Swallows and their nests are federally protected as soon as it is being used regularly by one of these hosts.

    3. How to Get Rid of Swallows in the Barnyard/property

      Swallows can spread contaminants to other animals on a property and can thereon be passed to humans through contact. Any swallow nests that are identified should be removed as soon as possible IF there aren't eggs or chicks residing inside. Deterrents like 'Swallow Guard Spray', 'Swallow Guard Membrane', and visual deterrents can also help prevent and scare away swallows that return to inhabit an area. Make sure you check your local laws for clarification before taking any preventative measures.

    4. How to Get Rid of Swallows in Walls

      Swallows won't necessarily get into walls, but they will use small crannies for their nests. Nests need to be removed as soon as they are being built AS LONG AS there are no eggs or young living in it. If any hatchlings have fallen out of the nest into a wall, it is best to have it safely removed to ensure the proper actions are taken and the bird is removed delicately.

    5. How to Prevent Swallows from Returning to an Area

      Once a swallow comes in, if it is unsuccessful, it will typically not come back; however, if allowed to stay, they and their young will automatically come back every year after that. One of the best options for swallow prevention before and even after a swallow has been attracted to an area, is with our products called 'Swallow Guard'. You may also be able to try certain scare tactics and visual deterrents like plastic owls, bright lights, shiny reflective tape, and other methods.


    If you are having problems, or don't want to deal with the swallows yourself after reading this article, please give us a call at 1-888-488-7720, you can also contact us through email. You can also call one of the technicians from your area and they can help you figure out a solution. REMEMBER: Swallows can be dangerous and working with them can be very complicated; it's best to hire a professional. Check out our YouTube channel and our website,, or use other Google resources to help you solve your problem. We do offer coaching solutions. Please send digital photos of your problem and we can coach you over the phone and ship you products for a fee.

(Artwork by Sharon Davis. Contact us for her info.)

(Artwork by Sharon Davis. Contact us for her info.)