
Vole Traps

vole beaten path
Some people waste a lot of time trying to trap all the little underground voles.

There are a variety of vole traps available on the market, both live traps and kill traps, but we do not recommend any of these because vole trapping is not a very effective practice.  People sometimes try to trap voles, but usually with little success.  Trapping is good for some animals, but voles simply are not prone to traps.  Also, if the colony is large, vole trapping becomes a highly laborious task.

A better solution for this type of animal problem is to use poison.  We have a 3-part poison mixture that is very effective at killing voles.  Vole traps will not control the problem, but our poison will.  Also, by using poison, there are no odors or carcasses to clean up because these rodents almost always remain underground to die.